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An OWL ontology describing events, characters and places in the Star Wars Universe

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Project Convor Documentation

Why OWL? What is an Ontology?

For a brief idea of what an OWL ontology is and discussion of the benefits of using OWL for modelling see


The Star Wars Ontology describes things and events in the Universe and the properties that join them together.

Characters, Places, Species, Objects

Sentient and non-sentient beings, planets, cities, ships, weapons, etc

Although the ontology structure is still changing, we would like to have some consistency of style - see modelling principles for more information


This is the bulk of the storytelling aspect of the ontology which pulls everything else together

See discussion of events


The ontology is split into several “layers” and each set of events from a given film or series is maintained within its own module.

See discussion of modularisation


Users of ontologies will probably want to make use of a reasoner to infer many of the relations when querying the model. Care must be taken to ensure that the model balances scale and expresivity against the time for classification or queries to take place.

Some of these experiments are documented in the performance docs

Test Questions

What should we be able to query for? What types of things are interesting about this ontology?

Here are example test questions


The benefit of using w3c standard languages for modelling is the tool support. We have used Stanford University’s Protege to build the ontology but there are plenty of other tools that may help browse or query the ontology.