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An OWL ontology describing events, characters and places in the Star Wars Universe

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For the sake of performance, some peripheral assertions have been moved into their own ontologies. These are still imported by all.owl.ttl

Although all.owl.ttl works with Pellet, it is significantly more responsive reasoning and querying with events.owl.ttl


Initial testing on all.owl using participatedIn some Murder:

Reasoner Works? Notes
Pellet Yes Fast. See notes on datatype restrs *
Pellet (Incremental) Yes-ish DL Query not working? see above for other issues
HermiT Yes Slow. 66-72s
JFact ? Need to build from source?
ELK Partially fast but v. incomplete - finds Ochi, Ziro but ignores all results from Events. Does not support DataPropertyAssertions, some DataHasValue, some Unions. Some tabs do not work

Pellet note - min/max Exclusive causing error in unknown circumstances:

InternalReasonerException: Adding type to a pruned node "anon(222)"


Currently reported as:

Speed Tests

We have some basic metrics being checked - see ConsistencyTest

There could be a lot of other queries testing

Expensive modelling (Pellet)


In some specific cases, cardinality on oneOfs cause a large hit. They are normally used as a syntax shortcut and should be avoided. See Issue #3

Characterising species

36-38s full classification in Protege of all.owl.ttl

Assertions on individuals have been retained in star-wars.owl.ttl

Characterising vehicles/roles

Leaving movesWith usage for 6 type of vehicles and troopers in base.owl.ttl adds 2/3s to classification

visited as a property chain

Nice to have this to show where characters have been, but it can be used at query time instead as its slow:

participatedIn o location -> visited

Property Domain/Range

Adding property domain/ranges base.owl Classification time of rebels.owl reduced from 23.5s to 18s

Expensive modelling (HermiT) - to revise using Pellet


There seems to be no significant overhead using Pellet (unlike HermiT).

If we do local allDifferent (each species/planets/etc) then we can get more cardinality queries, eg:

Event and (participant min 2 (hadRole some Mandalorian))

Property Domain/Range

Adding domain and range on all object properties increased the query time from 10s to 28s.

However, we do lose helpful consistency checking (as we have top level disjoints). eg participants in Events are Actors, not Roles - leaving this range on participant is not too bad. Whereas, adding a range to during automatically adds a few seconds on.

Domains/ranges were added to a top level test ontology which has now been removed using pellet.


Cannot add participant min 14000 to the battle of Exegol - it breaks the reasoner!

Different individuals

If we add an allDifferent (and remove Darths/Rens) what else can we assert / query?

For a start, it grinds the reasoner to a halt