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An OWL ontology describing events, characters and places in the Star Wars Universe

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Ontology Browser

A demo of the Star Wars Ontology is available to browse.

Classes, properties, individuals etc can all be browsed to understand the structure of the ontologies. Cloud views can give a quick feel for where the detail is eg instance usage

This demo is a running on a custom branch, paired version of the ontology browser, specifically loaded with all.owl.ttl.

It is hosted on a cheap tier web server, so please don’t expect extremely fast responses for some queries.

Querying with Pellet (Openllet) reasoner is possible on the DL Query page.

This also supports set subtraction between queries which is useful where closure is not available. Essentially mapping to “A is true but B is not known” (weaker than “A and not B”).

Who worked for the Jedi Order that was not a Jedi? Cid, who was an informant

Ontology browser

You can even switch to the Dark Side if you prefer.

Ontology browser in dark side mode


We used Protege to build this ontology

Star Wars ontology loaded in Protege


Use the Pellet reasoner

Other reasoners are available, but each has different performance issues

Protege Known Issues

Protege Features

DL Query Tab

For off the cuff queries as simple as year value -22

Individual Hierarchy Tab






Export HTML rendering of the ontology for browsing (read only/asserted only). Seems bugged now.


More limited (eg cannot use a reasoner?) But can import multiple ontologies and looks to have good multi-user support now.